
LETS GO 2024

Very excited for what is to come this year. After graduating in June with my B.S in cyber security I am poised to get employed sometime this year. While the news about the tech sector is doom and gloom, I do have some opportunities in the works. I have a conditional offer with the government, but I havn’t well, yet met the conditions (I guess), but in time everything should be good to go. In the mean time (and in case it doesn’t work out with uncle sam) I am still looking for employment in the private sector. And after +500-ish applications since May, and about 4 interviews it definitely seems challenging out here right now, but I am confident it will all work out. Worst case its back to retail and cyber volunteering or an apprenticeship.

What am I working on:

A few things actually:

  • I have been working on expanding and flexing my OSINT skills with online resources and books, you can see some of my efforts here.
  • Reading quite a bit about cryptography and cryptoanalysis.
  • Job hunting 💀

My goals for this year:

  • Practice coding skills more. I’m always writing simple scripts, but I want to expand my abilities a bit. Mainly with Rust and C.
  • Reverse engineering. I have some experience with it, but I want to go beyond just classroom assignments. Mainly targeting malware and vintage video game isos (particularly N64).
  • Networking in general. I’ve done a bunch of work with wireshark and WPA2, but I really want to be familiar with the nitty gritty of networking, and pcap analysis.

What am I reading/listening:


  • Malware Analysis Techniques: Tricks for the triage of adversarial software by Barker
  • The Dragons and the Snakes by Kilcullen
  • Shinto the Kami Way by Ono & Woodard
  • Japanese Death Poems: Written by Zen Monks and Haiku Poets on the Verge of Death by Hoffmann
  • Liferider by Hamilton & Borra
